Friday, 24 August 2007 01:49
Public Health Dept Recalls Baby Carrots

The carrots may be contaminated with bacteria. Food
contaminated with bacteria may not look or smell spoiled. Individuals infected
may develop diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps starting a day or two after
exposure. The diarrhea may be bloody. The infection usually lasts from five to
seven days. The symptoms can become severe and require hospitalization for some
individuals, especially young
children and the elderly. The California Department of Public Health urges
individuals who have consumed the carrots and have any of the above symptoms
should contact their health care provider immediately. The recalled
bagged baby carrots have sell by dates of August 16, 2007, and earlier. The
product was distributed to California, Arizona and Floridea, just to name a
few. Public Health urges individuals who
have consumed the carrots and have any of the above symptoms to contact their
health care provider immediately. Consumers should throw out the carrots or
return them to the store where purchased.