Monday, 17 September 2007 23:35

Legislative to Hold Special Session To Deal With Water, Health Care

This week Governor Schwarzenegger’s special sessions on Healthcare and the California water situation will be held in Sacramento. After over a year of gridlock the special sessions will be a final effort to reach deals between the Governor and various other political entities on health care and water issues.
As far as health care goes, the governor and the Democrats can't agree how much to charge employers to fund an expansion of insurance to cover uninsured workers. The state needs billions of dollars to cover the 4.9 million Californians without insurance, because many residents will need subsidies to cover the high cost of health insurance. Voters will likely decide the issue with a measure on the November 2008 ballot. Also, considered a major issue facing the state is the fate of the ecologically troubled Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, which supplies two-thirds of the state's water for drinking and agriculture. Republicans say new dams should be built, but environmentalists say those dams would change the natural flow of rivers and kill endangered fish species.