On the other hand, the council accepted a letter of resignation from Planning Commissioner Linda Smylie and discussed advertising for that seat. This position will be a fulfillment of the current term, with 2 years remaining. Council also voted to reappoint Mark Lively and Fraser West to the Parks and Recreation Commission for terms of 2 years each. Next up was a report from City Manager Kim Kerr, regarding insurance coverage for Employment Practices Liability. The city currently has insurance coverage for general liability, workers compensation, and property.
However, this coverage does not include claims
for wrongful termination of employment, sexual harassment, discrimination and
similar complaints. The City has a self-insured deductible of $500,000, so if
the City were held liable for an employment practice, the first $500,000 would
come from the City’s General Fund. This would not be a budgeted item and could
have serious implications for the City. Staff recommended that the City acquire
coverage for all claims between $25,000 and $500,000 to provide additional
protection to the City and protect its resources. Councilmembers agreed and
voted to approve $2,245 for the additional insurance. And last but not least,
the long awaited agreement on the future of wastewater disposal in Ione Valley
is almost complete. The Amador Regional Sanitation
Authority, or ARSA, and the City have signed the contract. The signature
coming from Mule Creek should be attached to the document in the near future.
And City Attorney Tim Taylor has begun working on the related Joint Powers
Authority agreement to oversee implementation of the
contract, which could be before the council in November.