Friday, 19 October 2007 02:47

Halloween Spending on the Increase

Will you be putting up Halloween lights this year? Decking the halls with witches and goblins? Decorating for Halloween is becoming more popular every year. According to the National Retail Federation, consumers are expected to spend more on Halloween this year than last, with the average person planning to spend $64.82 compared to $59.06 last year. Total Halloween spending for 2007 is estimated to reach $5.07 billion, second only to Christmas for holiday related spending. While the most popular Halloween activity is still passing out candy, nearly half of consumers surveyed plan to decorate their homes or yards. We talked with local business owners and they unanimously reported great Halloween sales.

Diane Matich of Designs by Diane in downtown Jackson said her Halloween home décor business has been growing each year. Rhonda Hendricks of Main Street Designs said not only are sales up, but she had customers requesting Halloween decorations back in August. A K-Mart spokesperson reported increased business as well, especially in decorations and candy. She said lawn decorations are very popular and shoppers were leaning more toward spooky merchandise – the scarier the better. Costumes are still a big business as well. But children and adults are not the only ones dressing up this year.

According to the survey, 7.4 million households, plan to don their family pets in some sort of costume. The top five costumes for pets are expected to be Devils, Pumpkins, Witches, Princesses and Angels according to the retailers association survey. Pam Gonzalez of Paws and Claws in Jackson said that most of their sales occur the week of Halloween --  we’ll have to wait until the big night to see what trendy pets in Amador County will be wearing.