Monday, 22 October 2007 01:50

Current Housing Market on a Decline

Some are calling it a hibernation period, others are calling it a healthy decline while many are shouting that it is a crisis: the housing market. According to a consulting service based out of Folsom, Gregory Group, the latest new-home figures show that quarterly sales have fallen to the lowest of this decade for the northern California area.  The average selling price also has declined steadily and you rarely pass a development or house on the market without a new sign advertising dropped prices. With the housing market in a slump, you can be sure that other industries are taking a hit. Builders have responded to a very slow market not only by cutting prices further but also by either delaying or stopping projects or in a few cases by selling standing homes at auction.

Builders are reluctant to finish a project let alone start a new one at this point. Some say the market has gotten so tough that there is absolutely no financial incentive for builders to continue because at this point their losing money. Contractors and investors who have to resort to auctions to sell their homes are sometimes getting 50-60% of their asking prices while others begin the auction at 60% of the asking price. Currently, new schemes such as “name your price sales” and beating any developments price are not working. Even community outreach with free food and fun is not attracting buyers, people yes, but not buyers willing to risk it in today’s risky market.

While the Contractors and investors are worried bargain hunters find this a perfect opportunity to score. The flood of foreclosures and auctions are attracting the attention of bargain hunters and forcing existing-home prices down so much that those homes are getting more attention from potential buyers, but still the attention is not wide spread or enough to pull out of the market slump. Those in the business recall a similar situation in the early 90’s and counter that the market boomed again, and the existing slump is all just a part of the housing market trend.