Friday, 26 October 2007 01:41

CAL FIRE Reminds Residents That We Are Still in Fire Season

Cal FIRE would like to remind residents that we still remain in Fire Season. Significant resources have been sent to Southern California to assist with those fires. However, the Amador-El Dorado Unit remains staffed with 10 engines, one dozer and one hand crew in preparation for warm, dry and possibly windy conditions predicted for the upcoming weekend in Northern California.

Due to the large commitment of resources in Southern California and predicted warm and dry conditions it is not likely there will be a permissive burn day for some time. Burn permits are required for all backyard burning. And the Cal Fire Tuolumne-Calaveras Unit has suspended all burning permits within CalFire Areas of Tuolumne County, Calaveras County, Eastern Stanislaus County and Eastern San Joaquin County. 

All previously approved Dooryard Burn Permits and large-scale Project Burn Permits (LE-5) have been rescinded. Property owners wishing to burn debris on their property are now prohibited from doing so unless they can prove that their project burn must be completed for health or safety reasons.  Any planned burning site must be inspected and approved before a permit may be reissued. Anyone with questions about this suspension may contact their nearest CAL FIRE facility. CAL FIRE personnel reminds all of us that it is each individual’s responsibility to use fire safely, and to prevent fires that destroy lives, homes, vehicles, and the wildland. For information, you can contact CAL FIRE at: Amador County 223-6246, El Dorado County (530) 621-5897, TuolumneCounty 754-383