Students surveyed said that the drug problem was “somewhat” of a problem, and that drugs could be found at school or in the community sometimes. The survey also asked parents about drug-testing student athletes and 62% claimed that they would strongly support a drug-testing program for student athletes. Board members were disappointed in participation in the drug survey -- 1,784 parents received the survey, with only a disappointing 71 surveys, or 4%, returned, while the percentage of students who participate in high school athletics is much closer to 60%. At last week’s school board meeting, board members discussed drafting a drug testing policy, and getting public input on the policy and how to implement it.
School board members got a good report card for the school district transportation department. As of the beginning of the school year, there have been no accidents on school buses with students aboard, and the transportation had passed an unannounced check of the facility by environmental health officers with no defects or violations were found. Currently, the transportation department is running 13 full-time school bus routes, down from 15 since October 1st. The district currently has 12 certified drivers, 1 full-time substitute, and 1 part time substitute. A new qualified bus driver has been interviewed and accepted, and is expected to begin working in approximately 2 weeks. School board meetings are held the second and fourth Wednesday of the month.