Sunday, 02 December 2007 23:42

Fire Season Is Still With Us

Extremely dry weather conditions have prompted the Tuolumne-Calaveras Unit of CAL FIRE to extend the 2007 fire season until further notice. They had originally planned to close fire season on December today. The Amador El Dorado Unit closed fire season for its jurisdiction on November 15 but will continued to maintain staff and equipment ready to respond to local emergencies as well as meet statewide needs until at least December 10. Before burning you must obtain a valid permit from your local fire protection agency.  Before burning you must also check the current burn status by calling your county’s Air Pollution Control District. To protect local air quality, burn only clean, dry vegetative material.  Do not burn household or commercial trash, tires, plastic or other garbage.  Avoid burning piles of pine needles, which smolder and often spread dense smoke over the entire neighborhoods. Leave pine needles on the ground for erosion control over the winter or burn them with other dry vegetation.