Engineers were asked to analyze 4 options: leave the posted speed as is; return the speed limit to the former 55 mph; decrease the speed limit even further; or expand the 50 mph zone in either direction. Hazards in this area, including residential driveways and 3 road intersections, need to be taken into consideration when establishing a speed zone.
Accident rates for various spots in this stretch of road are 2 – 3 times higher than average for similar rural roads. Based on the road hazards and accident frequency, the engineering report recommended that the speed limit not be returned to 55 mph; not did they recommend a speed limit lower than 50. However they DID recommend extending the 50 mph zone westward to a spot west of Hamrick’s Grade at about mile marker 3.0. They also recommended safety measures including widened paved shoulders, roadway widening and/or a 2-way center turn lane for protected left turns into side streets and driveways, and improved lane edge and centerline striping. The Amador County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on the proposed speed limit for this segment of Ridge Road at their regular meeting on December 18.