Wednesday, 05 December 2007 00:57

County Officials to Look At Speed Limits on Ridge Road

County road officials are once again looking at speed limits on Ridge Road. A Cameron Park engineering firm in October conducted an engineering and traffic survey – they were asked to review the posted speed limit along Ridge Road in the vicinity of New York Ranch Road between Hamricks Grade and Climax Road. The speed limit on Ridge Road from Hamricks Grade to New York Ranch Rd was reduced from 55 miles per hour to 50 miles per hour in 2003. Since then, a turn out lane and other improvements were made at the intersection of Ridge and New York Ranch Rds.

Engineers were asked to analyze 4 options: leave the posted speed as is; return the speed limit to the former 55 mph; decrease the speed limit even further; or expand the 50 mph zone in either direction. Hazards in this area, including residential driveways and 3 road intersections, need to be taken into consideration when establishing a speed zone.

Accident rates for various spots in this stretch of road are 2 – 3 times higher than average for similar rural roads. Based on the road hazards and accident frequency, the engineering report recommended that the speed limit not be returned to 55 mph; not did they recommend a speed limit lower than 50. However they DID recommend extending the 50 mph zone westward to a spot west of Hamrick’s Grade at about mile marker 3.0. They also recommended safety measures including widened paved shoulders, roadway widening and/or a 2-way center turn lane for protected left turns into side streets and driveways, and improved lane edge and centerline striping. The Amador County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on the proposed speed limit for this segment of Ridge Road at their regular meeting on December 18.