Wednesday, 09 January 2008 00:02

Natural Gas Prices Forecasted to be Lower This January

Gas prices across the United States have decreased since last month and natural gas bills for PG&E residential customers are forecast to be 7 percent lower this January, compared to January 2007, with total average gas bills expected to be $97.64 for the month. The price decrease is driven by lower natural gas costs and a projected drop in the amount of gas being used by customers. Even though bills are expected to be lower than last year, cold January temperatures typically result in very high natural gas usage, meaning energy efficiency and conservation are still important. Turning down your thermostat by just one or two degrees and installing weather stripping are two easy ways to save on your winter heating bills. PG&E offers several options to manage your winter energy costs including rebates on efficient equipment and a 10/20 Plus Winter Gas Savings program. More information is available at A forecast of PG&E natural gas rates and bills over the next year is also available at