Tuesday, 22 January 2008 23:32

State Jobless Rate Climbs

California’s unemployment rate was 6.1 percent in December, up from 5.6 percent in November, according to the state Employment Development Department. Last year in December, California’s unemployment rate was 4.8 percent. Professional and business services, educational and health services, leisure and hospitality, and government posted job gains over the year. Six categories posted job declines over the year: natural resources and mining, construction, manufacturing, trade, transportation and utilities; information, and financial activities were down 80,800 jobs. The subprime mortgage crisis and housing slump are being blamed for the biggest increase in unemployed workers.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Friday announced that he had called an emergency meeting on immediate recommendations to speed the release of $29 billion in infrastructure bond money that has yet to be spent. “Speeding up construction of roads, schools and levee repairs will help our economy continue to grow and keep more people working,” said Schwarzenegger. As one of his first actions, the governor is pushing the state’s Finance Department to release $300 million in funding for roads, highways and corridor mobility improvements.

 The governor said the Department of Water Resources would also begin $200 million of already allocated levee projects, to help stimulate the state’s construction economy. The Employment Development Department will be extending hours of operation at all job assistance centers across the state to make it easier for displaced workers to get help finding jobs. Schwarzenegger also said he supports President Bush’s efforts to boost the national economy. "While I haven't seen the full details of the proposal, I support the President's call to stimulate the economy with tax rebates,” the governor said.