Thursday, 24 January 2008 11:48

First June 3rd Ballot Initiative Qualifies

 Secretary of State Debra Bowen has certified Proposition 90, the first initiative for the June 3 Primary Election ballot. Prop. 90 includes changes to the way state and local governments acquire property through eminent domain. The initiative calls for a constitutional amendment regulating the government’s ability to acquire private property.

This includes prohibiting rent control, barring state and local governments from condemning or damaging private property for private uses, and defining “just compensation.” It would also restrict the purposes for which government may take property and increase the amount the government must pay property owners. Opponents to the measure include the League of Woman Voters, who claim that, “Prop. 90 would fundamentally change our system of representative democracy and put the interests of a few above the well-being of all Californians.”

Those in favor say it will protect property owners from politicians who reward their campaign contributors by taking private property by eminent domain and handing it over to private developers. The measure’s provisions regarding economic losses could have a major effect on future state and local government policymaking and costs. The amount and nature of these effects, however, is difficult to determine as it would depend on how the courts interpret the measure’s provisions.