Monday, 04 February 2008 00:51

January Survey Shows Snow Pack Water Content 75% Up

slide15.pngThe January survey of the Sierra snowfall season shows the Echo Summit area’s snow pack water content to be about 75 percent better than this time last year. January is typically the wettest month of the water year and this month’s storms have been an excellent shot in the arm to the State’s water supply. According to the Department of Water Resources, January’s precipitation has bolstered the snow pack and made up for a sub-par December. Water Resources reports Northern Sierra snow water equivalents at 119% of normal for this date, in the Central Sierra -- 102%, and Southern Sierra -- 122%. The January snow survey is one of five taken throughout the season. Snow-water content is important in determining the coming year's water supply. The information is used by water agencies, hydroelectric power companies, farmers and the recreation industry. The next manual survey is scheduled for early March.


Tired of the snow yet? Summer seems like a distant dream during this unusual winter season. More low elevation snow is expected across Northern California this coming week. The Motherlode is expected to see snowfall levels as low as 2,400 feet. One report indicates snowfall as low as 1,500 feet north and just east of the Sacramento Valley. Somewhere between 2 to 5 inches of snow was predicted between Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.