Thursday, 07 February 2008 07:57

Election Results 2008

slide9.pngElections Statistics are in for Amador County. With all precincts counted in the county and nearly 97% of precincts counted for the state, Amador topped the state turn-out by more than 20%, with 66% of registered voters compared to the statewide turnout of only 45%. The majority of Amador voters voted “NO” on ALL the propositions. Statewide, voters agreed with Amador on the issues of Transportation Funds, Term Limits and Community Colleges. These propositions did not pass. But the majority of California voters did not agreed with Amador regarding the Indian Gaming Compact Referendums, which were all passed by approximately 56% of the votes FOR and 44% of the votes AGAINST.  The Presidential Primary results in Amador were consistent with the rest of state. Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton beat Obama by almost 10%.

In the Republican race, John McCain bested Mitt Romney by an almost 8% margin. Nationwide, John McCain was the clear favorite for the Republican Party with more than double the delegates of Mitt Romney. It’s still a coin toss for the Democratic Party. Although Clinton took the majority of delegates in California, Obama has so far won more states overall. Obama currently has 13 states to Clinton's eight. There are still 8 state Primary elections to go, plus the District of Columbia and US Virgin Islands. Of the less notable parties, Ralph Nader ran and won both the Green and Peace and Freedom party races; while the American Independent front runner was Don J. Grundmann and Christine Smith placed first in the Libertarian Party race.