Thursday, 21 February 2008 08:03

Ione City Council Update

slide6.pngThe Ione City Council voted unanimously to authorize City Manager Kim Kerr to execute change orders for the East Main Street Reconstruction, which includes Oak Ridge, El Dorado, and the Pleasant Valley Overlay Projects.

These projects had already been approved by the City, but at the last Council meeting, citizens requested the Council take a second look at the storm water overflow on Maple Street and the standing water in the Pleasant Valley Drive10,000 dollars for the Maple Street project, and 60,000 dollars for Pleasant Valley. Also discussed at the meeting was the need for a Facility Rental Agreement for facilities which the city currently allows outside businesses to use. These include the arena, Evelyn Bishop Hall, and the council chambers. It was decided that an organization or Governmental Agency would be allowed to use the facilities free or for a small contribution.  The council is reconsidering the current rate and fee schedules, however, this will be an ongoing process, and will come back to the council in the future. storm drains before going forward with their decision. The change order allows the City Manager to authorize no more than