Monday, 03 March 2008 00:24

Senator Cox’s New Phone Service Bill

Cox's New Phone ServiceAccording to Senator Dave Cox, Californians who live in rural, more remote areas of the state do not always have the high quality phone service that those living in urban areas enjoy.  Now Cox, who represents the 1st district which includes Amador County, is introducing a measure to continue a program that allows a “fair” rate structure for phone customers living in rural areas. “Not all Californians have equal access to technological advancements. Californians who live in rural, more remote areas of the state do not always have the high quality phone service that those living in urban areas enjoy,” says Cox. The proposed bill would allow the Public Utilities Commission to continue the program that, in Cox’s words, “allows a fair and equitable rate structure for phone customers living in rural areas.” Cox went on to say, “The bill will keep telephone and basic telecommunications service available and affordable in rural and mountainous areas.”