Monday, 24 March 2008 02:35

Pine Grove Bypass Project

slide13.pngThe Pine Grove Corridor Project, so named because the Community is still undecided about whether they want a bypass or to widen Highway 88- is still waiting for a green light. Work on this project can not begin before winter of 2008 and likely not before 2009 due to the state budget deficit. The California Transportation commission will decide by May of this year when this project can proceed. In 2003 and 2004 a lot of work was done.

If funding comes through, work will start up again, at which time the Pine Grove community and Cal Trans will decide between the bypass and road widening. The Pine Grove citizens want to know how these road changes will affect the “look and feel” of their community. To assist with this, CalTrans has a “Context Sensitive Solution” strategic plan that analyses the impacts of such a project on a community. CalTrans calls this a “humanistic approach to design that emphasizes aesthetics, pedestrians, bicycles, and the overall impact on the environmental and urban fabric, which produces roadways that are fully integrated into the natural and man-made systems.” This will allow town improvements and community identity to be addressed at the same time as road improvements. This kind of cooperative environment is anticipated to help make all parties happy.