Wednesday, 26 March 2008 00:31

Earth Club Partnership

slide20.pngThe Amador County Waste Management Department has partnered with Amador High School’s Earth Club to create elementary school assemblies on recycling and litter reduction.  Members of the Earth Club have developed a performance that will promote the Waste Management Department’s guiding priorities:  REDUCE-REUSE-RECYCLE, or the 3R’s.  Elementary students will learn from their older peers the importance of reducing waste, reusing materials over and over, and then recycling almost everything else.  The Earth Club is scheduled to perform at Sutter Creek Elementary and Primary Schools, Pioneer and Pine Grove Elementary Schools, Jackson Jr. High, and a public appearance at the Jackson Library on April 3 at 10:30 a.m.

slide21.pngThe concept of high school students teaching elementary students originated last summer when Amador High School Teacher Mr. Joe Anooshian, Principal Allen Van Velzen, and Waste Management Staff Anne Short discussed the need for a campus beautification make-over at Amador High School.  Over the years, the landscaping has deteriorated, while littering and vandalism on campus have increased.  One possible project involved students in the revitalization of their school grounds to help instill a sense of appreciation and respect for the high school campus. As discussed, this type of effort may even help improve students' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding stewardship of their surroundings.  Since high school seniors are required to complete 10 hours of community service, they could apply the hours earned from the project towards their credits. For more information, please contact the Amador County Waste Management Department at 223-6429.