Thursday, 27 March 2008 08:34

West Nile Virus Hits Sacramento

slide26.pngThe West Nile Virus is starting earlier this year in the Sacramento area. Officials have confirmed the first bird death from the virus. According to the Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District Manager David Brown, it’s a few months earlier than usual for Sacramento to see an American Crow death from West Nile Virus.  “It’s an early wake-up call for residents to start putting on a mosquito repellant when they’re going outside when the mosquitoes are active and certainly do what they can to reduce mosquito development sites in and around their yards,” says Brown. Brown says officials are surveying areas where mosquitoes like to lay eggs. He says that includes foreclosed homes with abandoned swimming pools or standing water. Last year there were 24 cases in Sacramento County, including one death. That’s compared to 2005 when there were 170 cases.