Tuesday, 01 April 2008 09:02

Changes to Motorcycle Ordinance in Plymouth

Also at Thursday night’s meeting, the Plymouth City Council saw the approval of changes to the city’s motorcycle ordinance. After a short discussion, the council voted to amend Plymouth’s motorcycle ordinance to ensure“the operation of any motorcycle, motor driven cycle, or similar device on authority of a permit, shall be limited to the hours commencing one-half hour after sunrise and ending one-half hour before sunset. Operation shall not occur nearer than two hundred yards from any residential structure, church, assembly hall, or school.” The City of Plymouth currently requires that an individual and/or property owner obtain a yearly permit from the City Clerk before operating a motorcycle on private property, or allowing someone else to operate a motorcycle on private property. However, the city does not require a permit if the motorcycle is being used as a part of an agricultural or ranching operation.  consistency with the city’s noise ordinance. The motorcycle ordinance states that