Wednesday, 02 April 2008 01:46

El Dorado Forest’s Motorized Expansion

slide20.jpgYesterday in Placerville, Forest Supervisor Ramiro Villalvazo signed his decision designating a total of 1,847 miles of roads and trails open for motorized public use in the El dorado National Forest. The decision follows two and one half years of environmental analysis and public involvement. The long anticipated decision also creates a seasonal closure of dirt roads from January 1 to March 31 and allows visitors to safely park their vehicles one car length off a designated route. Villalvazo’s decision is expected to assist in the environmental protection of meadows, watersheds, wildlife habitats, and other sensitive areas, and provides quiet recreation opportunities. “I am pleased to say that we have a new starting point for travel management within the Eldorado National Forest,” said Villalvazo. Villalvazo says his final decision met the standards and guidelines found in the Forest’s Land and Resource Management Plan, minimized impacts to meadows, and reduced impacts to stream courses and riparian habitat. For more information on this decision, visit the El Dorado National Forest website on your screen.