Monday, 21 April 2008 02:03

Transit Center In Sutter Hill Could Soon Be Reality

slide9.pngAmador County is one step closer to constructing a new bus transit center in Sutter Hill. Last week, the Amador County Transportation Commission voted to approve design modifications and authorize execution of related documents for the construction of a new transit center off of Valley View Drive, at the dead end extension of Bowers Drive. Thursday night, the commission heard an hour long presentation on the project from Matt Boyer of Dokken Engineering. The project will be completed in two phases. The first phase involves the construction of the new transit center and a parking lot. The second phase includes the extension of the parking lot to accommodate a park-n-ride service, as well as the possible addition of a new office for ACTC. In addition to being a transit center, the new facility will also serve as a welcome center for tourists.

slide9.pngBoyer noted that his engineering firm had partnered with Maureen Funk of the Amador Tourism Council, and that in addition to local transportation services, the center would accommodate tourist busses. The Tourism Council would also establish a 24-hour presence on the site, which Boyer said would help to alleviate safety concerns. Boyer also detailed some of the design elements of the project. He noted that the architecture of the transit center would include some design elements from the old Martell Railroad Depot, and may even include an exhibition on the history of the Amador Railroad. Supervisor Richard Forester inquired about the “green aspect” of the center, asking about the incorporation of solar panels and recycling facilities. Boyer responded that his firm was looking at incorporating solar panels on the Phase 2 parking facility, and that he would make sure that there was a system for recycling on site. In sum, the new transit center is budgeted at 3.2 million dollars, and if all goes well with funding, will go out to bid July 1st.