Friday, 25 April 2008 04:44

Local Soldier Honored In Upcoming Ceremony

slide3.jpgRepublican Senator Dave Cox recently pushed through a resolution honoring an Amador County soldier by renaming a bridge in his memory. It has been roughly a year since Army Pfc. Jay-D Ornsby-Adkins fell to enemy gunfire outside of Baghdad, making him the only Amador County soldier thus far to have died in Iraq or Afghanistan. Ornsby-Adkins was close to his mother, Australian-born Robyn Ornsby, and left behind a wife whom he had married only months before shipping out. When word of the news reached his hometown of Ione last month, mourners placed hundreds of assorted memorabilia, flags and notes in front of his mother’s beauty salon. A large turnout is expected at an upcoming memorial ceremony at 7:30pm on April 28th in the park across from the salon. The Board of Supervisors recently discussed Cox’s measure proposing a renaming of the Amador Creek Bridge in Amador County the Jay-D Ornsby­ Bridge. A motion was moved by Supervisor Novelli, seconded by Supervisor Escamilla, and unanimously carried.