Wednesday, 30 April 2008 02:11

Inappropriate Involvement?

slide13.pngA special addendum to Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors agenda proved to be the most debated issue of the meeting. The add-on proposed consideration of a letter questioning the current involvement of Peter Tateishi, Spokesman for the Ione Band of Miwok Indians, at recent events for Congressman Dan Lungren. “This would not be such a big issue if Tateishi were not privy to such information given to him in private time with the Congressman,” said Supervisor Louis Boitano, alluding to the long local controversy over the proposed Plymouth Casino and Tateishi’s past working relationship with the Lungren. “We don’t want to anger our Congressman, but it doesn’t seem he is too concerned with angering us,” said Supervisor Richard Forster. A visibly upset Maria Nunez told the Board they had no right to speculate about Tateishi’s motives and that anyone should be allowed to volunteer at such an event with a former employer.

Local Republican Committee leader Jim Rooney said he was present at Lungren’s recent congressional fundraising event and believes Tateishi’s motives were innocent. Nevertheless, he also believes the Board has an obligation to say something to Lungren. “They called yesterday and said they were a little stunned to see this on the agenda. You have their ear right now,” said Rooney. The Board decided to determine the likelihood of a face to face meeting with Lungren or his representatives before signing a letter.