Wednesday, 09 July 2008 02:39

Local CHP Enforce Hands-Free Driving Law

slide20.pngWhether you like it or not, the hands-free driving law is now in full effect across California. Officers from the local division of the California Highway Patrol have added the new law to their list of violations when observing for lawbreakers out on the open roads. During an organized enforcement near the four way stop in Martel last Tuesday, officers squared off along a two block section of highway to catch violators on the first day of the law’s enforcement. “I’m surprised we found as many people as we did,” joked Public Information officer Craig Harmon, who helmed the operation.

Despite clear warnings that there will be no grace period for enforcement, officers used their discretion. Of the 13 total stops made that day, 10 verbal warnings were given and only 3 citations were issued in respect to the new law. However, the stops proved advantageous for citing drivers on other violations. One seatbelt citation was given, and a man was temporarily detained for driving without a license. Overall, Harmon felt that the operation served its purpose in reminding drivers that the law has now taken effect. He reminds drivers that like it or not, an investment in a hands-free mobile device could save you from a ticket inducing headache in the long run.