Friday, 10 October 2008 01:01

Daniel Lindecker Receives Block "A" Community Award

slide4.pngBy Jennifer Wilson -

Daniel Lindecker, a local boy scout who completed a whopping 528 hours of community service this summer, received a Block “A” Community Block Service Award at Wednesday’s School District Board meeting. Lindecker, who started scouting as a Cub Scout, volunteered at a number of summer events, including Camp Winton, helping younger boys learn new skills and complete activities, and the advancement ceremonies of area Cub Scouts, to name a few. Superintendent Dick Glock praised Lindecker’s hard work in the community and said, “We are very proud of you.” Glock added that the most hours he has seen were “about 177,” and that 528 hours was quite an accomplishment. Lindecker enjoys helping others, and noted an outdoor event at which he helped other scouts learn to fish. “Some of them had never even been fishing. They were really excited.” Daniel’s older brother Patrick is also involved in scouts and was just advanced to an Eagle Scout this past weekend. Boy Scouts help boys in grades 6 through 11 to build character, respect for others and themselves, and learn about their world and interacting with others. There is also Cub Scouts, for younger boys in grades 1 through 5, and for older boys, Venturing, which is for boys and girls age 14 to 20. Amador County has a number of packs and troops under the Golden Empire Council. For more information about scouting or to find a troop near you, call Jim Duncan at 209-274-2980, or Tom Harris at 209-402-9958.