Friday, 24 October 2008 00:46

Proposition 10

slide3.pngBy Alex Lane -

And now, our continuing report on the Propositions you’ll be deciding on in the November ballot. Today we’ll discuss Proposition 10, which would authorize 5 billion in bonds to help consumers and other purchase certain vehicles, including those powered by alternative energies. Proponents say Prop 10 will “provide urgently needed funding” to “reduce California’s dependence on foreign oil; reduce air pollution that causes asthma and cancer; and create green technology jobs to strengthen our state’s economy – without raising taxes.” These supporters say that Prop 10 “has strict accountability standards to make sure that funds are being used properly” and will not raise taxes, fees, or utility rates.” Proponents, who include the American Cancer Society and the Clean and Renewable Energy Association, believe Prop 10 will “reduce our dependence on foreign oil, develop new clean energy industries in California and create thousands of new jobs.” But opponents, who include the California Tax Reform Association and the California Federation of Teachers, see Prop 10 as a flimsy attempt to push the agenda of billionaire Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens, or the “deep pockets” behind the program, who they say will get “the lion’s share of the taxpayer dollars.” Opponents believe that “in the middle of a budget crisis, it takes taxpayer dollars away from education, healthcare, public safety, and universities in order to provide fleet operators, including very large and profitable corporations, a subsidy for buying or leasing natural gas trucks.” On November 4th, you’ll have the opportunity to help decide.