Thursday, 04 January 2007 02:47

Ione Band of Mi-Wok Casino Proposal Overview

slide20According to the application for trust status submitted by the Ione Band of Miwok  to the Bureau of Indian Affairs to gain trust status on nearly 230 acres in the town of Plymouth the Tribe is proposing to develop a gaming facility and related structures, including parking, a hotel and other facilities that are necessary to support the casino on the Proposed Acquisition site.

The first phase of the project would include the development of a 120,000+/- square foot casino complex, which would consist of a covered entrance, main gaming hall, food and beverage services, retail space, fire station and administration space. The entire complex would be built on land currently within the City of Plymouth. Primary access to the casino complex would be via State Highway 49.

slide21 The land surrounding the casino complex is proposed to be developed with casino support services such as surface parking, internal roadways, surface runoff detention basins, and wastewater treatment and disposal area. The Tribe plans to construct a wastewater treatment facility that will  treat the wastewater effluent from the casino to Title 22 standards. The proposed surface parking lots will be fully landscaped using recycled wastewater for irrigation. The recycled water will also be used for the toilet facilities within the gaming complex.

slide22 The second phase of the project would include the construction of a hotel (250 rooms) which will include small conference style facilities together with food and beverage services. The proposed hotel would also be fitted with a dual plumbing system for the use of potable and recycled water. In addition, on-site parking would be increased to supply adequate parking for hotel and conference patrons. The hotel is anticipated to be operational no sooner than the middle of year 3-4 of the project. Primary vehicle access to the hotel would be provided by the main casino and surface-parking driveway.

The bureau of Indian Affairs accepted comments regarding the project through the end of December unless an extension was sought by any of the affected jurisdictions or agencies.