The Jackson Fire Department Call totals are in for the month of September. Medical assistance calls were the bulk of calls last month with a total of 46 calls at 68% of the call totals. Public assistance came in at a far second with 10 calls totaling for 15% of the call volume.

There were 6 calls for fire related incidents which was down considerably from the month of August. Hazardous Materials calls were unusually high at 6% of the calls totaling in at 4 calls. Traffic accidents were lower than usual at only 2 calls for the entire month. In all the Jackson Fire Department Volunteers responded to a total of 68 calls. The Call volume for August was reported at very high while this month’s calls measured up as average. So far the annual average of calls is 2.4 and as of September 30th the Department has received 641 calls, already surpassing last years total of 529 calls. Although locally the department was not as busy as they have been in months prior, other areas of California were burning with activity. The Jackson Fire Department has now sent a total of five firefighters to southern California to help the National Forest Service contain the “Day Fire” which burned over 160,000 acres.