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Monday, 08 January 2007 00:46

Ione Continues Their New “Vision”

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slide9The City of Ione Visioning Committee is sponsoring a General Plan Seminar scheduled for Tuesday, January 23 from 5:00 to 8:00 PM. The event will be held in the Cultural Hall at the Church of Latter Day Saints located at 407 West Marlette Street in Ione. Anyone interested in city planning is invited to attend this informative and educational seminar. Three experts in this field will facilitate the session and present guidelines to successfully complete a general plan. What attendees will learn is: Why cities prepare a General Plan/ What is included in a General Plan/ What are the steps in preparing a General Plan/ How a General Plan is implemented.
In preparation for Ione’s General Plan update, the Visioning Committee completed a very successful Future Search Conference in September of 2006 that was attended by 60 stakeholders. The outcome of that 3-day event was a series of 14 vision statements that represent the desires of a representative cross-section of the community. The purpose of the Vision statements is to inform general plan decision making and policy and to establish priorities.  The Visions Committee embrace the historical downtown and a restored Preston Castle, business viability in the historic section of Ione, outstanding governance, infrastructure (water, sewer, drainage, transportation and emergency services), industry, education, trail ways and recreation, visual corridors, open space and farmland preservation, population size and housing. For more information you may email Jack Brotherton at



Read 5338 times Last modified on Friday, 28 August 2009 02:07