Monday, 02 February 2009 23:46

Proposed Septic Regulations

slide3.pngAmador County - Amador County residents up in arms about proposed septic system regulations are being encouraged to attend a set of workshops in Santa Rosa. The State Water Resources Control Board is hosting the forum, and there will be opportunities for the public to comment on proposed regulations and waivers for onsite wastewater treatment systems and the associated Draft Environmental Impact Report. Prompted by Bill 885 signed by Governor Gray Davis in 2000, the proposed updates would further regulate discharge of wastes that threaten surface and groundwater quality. The California Water Resources Control Board has been holding workshops across California to gather public comment on the issue, including a workshop last month in Amador County. The proposal under consideration includes a number of costly requirements to be paid by owners should their tanks not meet updated standards. Owners must have their tanks inspected for solid accumulations every five years at a cost of $325. Owners of tanks within 600 feet of a surface water body that does not meet water quality standards could be required to retrofit their systems at a cost of $45,000. New septic systems must have filters that retain a certain amount of solids, malfunction alarms and maintenance manuals, plus regular site inspections by certified professionals. Estimates by county officials indicate that a large portion –approximately half- of Amador County uses septic systems. Other Gold country counties are voicing there dissatisfaction with the regulations. Placer County Supervisors will be sending written comments to the State Water Board and coordinating with legislators and lobbyists to fight the proposals. Amador Water Agency Board Member Debbie Dunn is stressing to dissenters that “the voice you can unleash on the State is solely regarding implantation procedures, not ‘should they do it.’” She added that the upcoming meeting “is the public’s and the County’s last opportunity to provide input.” The public meetings are scheduled to be held February 9 from 1 to 5 pm and 7 to 11 pm at the Wells Fargo Center for the Arts, 50 Mark West Springs Road in Santa Rosa. A Sacramento hearing originally scheduled for February 9 was postponed until further notice. For further details about the proposed regulations, visit Story by Alex Lane