Wednesday, 18 February 2009 00:01

Assemblywoman Alyson Huber

slide2.pngAmador County - Amador County and 10th District Assemblywoman Alyson Huber is objecting to proposed septic regulations by the State Water Resources Control Board, or SWRCB. “I am encouraged to see that the SWRCB may finally be taking into consideration the effect the (regulations) will have on rural California,” said Huber in a letter to the Volcano Press. “As currently written, the proposed regulations apply uniformly throughout the state, with no consideration for California’s diverse geographical, hydrogeological, and demographic characteristics,” she wrote. The SWRCB has extended the written comment period and added additional workshops throughout the state because of strong dissent the board has received thus far from homeowners and businesses. According to Huber, the board’s “inflexible approach will cost Californians an estimated $1.4 billion, with much of the burden placed upon homeowners and businesses in rural counties.” Prompted by Bill 885, the proposed updates would further regulate discharge of wastes that threaten surface and groundwater quality. The California Water Resources Control Board has been holding workshops across California to gather public comment on the issue, including a workshop last month in Amador County. The proposal under consideration includes a number of costly requirements to be paid by owners should their tanks not meet updated standards. Last week, Huber and Assemblyman Ted Gaines drafted a bipartisan letter strongly encouraging the board to listen to their concerns and develop more effective standards. “The SWRCB has the opportunity to do just that, and I am hopeful it will make the right decision,” said Huber. She said she is already in contact with rural legislators and is exploring a variety of possible legislative solutions to ensure “rural Californians are not disproportionately impacted by these regulations.” Story by Alex Lane