Monday, 09 March 2009 00:31

Historic Preservation Workshop

slide4.pngAmador County - A Historic Preservation Workshop detailing the advantages of Historic Preservation and a Certified Local Government, or CLG Program, is scheduled for April. Presented by the Office of Historic Preservation, the workshop will focus on preservation, certified governments, heritage and cultural tourism, and how these work well together. The CLG program is a preservation partnership among local governments, the State of California, and the National Park Service. Focused on promoting historic preservation at the grass roots level, the program is jointly administered in each state, with each local community working through a certification process to become recognized as a CLG. CLGs then become an active partner in the Federal Historic Preservation Program and are also eligible to apply for grant funding. The workshop is designed to promote the advantages of CLG membership. The key reason is that access certification provides to the expert technical advice of the State Offices as well as partnerships with the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions, Preserve America, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Access to Federal funding is another promoted benefit. Certified communities are able to access the portion of Federal funds that are set aside annually by each State Historic Preservation Office, which distributes at least 10% of its annual federal Fund allocation to CLGs through a competitive grant program.The Historic Preservation Office awarded $143,000 to eight CLGs. The workshop is 6pm, April 7th in the Board of Supervisors Chambers in Jackson. Staff Report, Alex Lane Contributed This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.