Thursday, 12 March 2009 00:23

Amador County General Plan

slide3.pngAmador County – The Amador County Planning Commission last week announced the continuation of the comprehensive General Plan Update serial meeting, set to resume the fourth week of this month. The series – called “The Path to 2030” – is a continuation of the serial meetings held in October and November, 2008. The joint meeting of the Amador County Board of Supervisors and Amador County Planning Commission see work from both local “stakeholders” groups and staff work on direction of the Supervisors and commissioners that began last fall. County Planner Susan Grijalva in the announcement said: “Because the General Plan is the basis for all regulations – such as zoning, subdivision improvements – and decisions made regarding the use of property and when considering development projects, it is vitally important to be informed of this Update.” The joint session will convene for 4 hours on consecutive days, noon to 4 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, March 24th, 25th and 26th. Meetings each day conclude with a public comment period on the day’s separate topics. On Tuesday, March 24th, the agenda includes a presentation on the “UPlan;” and a discussion of “Optional Elements.” Wednesday, March 25th’s agenda includes "miscellaneous Items needing direction to staff;” along with General Plan Requests. The Thursday, March 26th meeting will include Supervisor and Commissioner deliberations and recommendations regarding a preferred alternative. Grijalva said “This General Plan will become the foundation document for future development of the County, defining appropriate locations for land uses and setting out the County’s policy direction to guide decisions on a wide range of county activities, including land use regulation.” She said maps that have been developed to this point may be viewed and printed from the County’s Website, Grijalvas said the Update process is on-going and the public can “continue to monitor the Website and watch for notices of future public hearings,” because “changes to the proposed General Plan can, and will, be made up until the last meeting.” The Meetings will be held in the Board Chambers, 810 Court Street in Jackson. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.