Thursday, 11 January 2007 02:46

County Meets With MCSP’s New Warden

slide14According to County Administrative Officer, Pat Blacklock on Jan. 2nd the County and MCSP’s New Warden Rich Subia all met. “The purpose of the meeting was simply to introduce ourselves, establish a relationship and discuss issues of concern.  The County extended an invitation to meet once we learned there was a new warden,” according to Blacklock. Supervisor’s Louis Boitano and Richard Forster, County Administrative Officer Patrick Blacklock, and County Counsel Martha Shaver all attended.  Both Supervisors appeared to be encouraged by the meeting.

slide15 “I found him very refreshing and I am looking forward to working with the Warden and trying to resolve some of these issues,” said Boitano.  Supervisor Richard Forster commented that Subia said “his number one priority is to clean up the wastewater.” Apparently the new Warden has already taken steps to do that when recently San Quentin State Prison’s facilities experienced problems and they asked to ship their laundry to MCSP to be washed.

However, Subia objected and “headed off what could have been a potential disaster,” said Forster who also said that Subia has been ensuring that local homeowners who’s wells have been contaminated are receiving bottled water. While the meeting with the Subia appeared to be promising concerns over prison expansion still linger as the expansion of MCSP was included in the Governor's prison reform plan introduced in December. Supervisor Forster said, “…it is the same plan for expansion and still no more dollars for the County… any County at that.” The County will continue to keep an eye on the Prison expansion plan.
