Thursday, 11 January 2007 02:56

AC Planning Department Tackles Inadequate Parking For Fast Food Est.

For those of you frustrated at the parking situation at several of the new food and coffee outlets located in the developing Martell commercial area, help is on the way- at least for establishments built in the future. According to documents prepared by Planning Director Susan Grijalva, a comparative analysis of other jurisdictions shows that perception is reality on the parking situation and the parking issue has reached “critical mass”. The County’s standards for the number of parking spaces required for these types of businesses have been “significantly below average in terms of spaces required for parking at fast food restaurants.” Staff has now recommended that each proposed establishment be viewed on an individual basis, case by case using Parking Generation Guidelines that have been established by the Institute of transportation Engineers. According to Planning Director Grijalva this will allow the county to avoid future situations of inadequate parking.
