Monday, 23 March 2009 00:42

ACTC Study Plymouth 49, Pine Grove 88 Highways

slide3.pngAmador County – The Amador County Transportation Commission board of directors last week approved 2 resolutions to commence studies on Highway 88 in Pine Grove and on Highway 49 in Plymouth. The expected widening project of Highway 88 has a total cost estimate of $2.27 Million Dollars, while the Plymouth Circulation Improvement Project was approved for $89,105 dollars. Both would conclude next May. Neil Peacock, planner and program manager for both projects, said the Plymouth project included a schedule, starting with forming an oversight committee and a developing public participation program in April and May. June through August will be for data collection and preliminary analysis, and then 3 community meetings in September through November will look at the project overview and general plan policy guidance; land use, traffic & the environment; and then funding strategies. In January 2010, Peacock scheduled a joint “city council and Planning commission meeting” and draft of a plan, with plan revision and a funding program handled next February and March. Next January to April will be used to develop and screen improvement recommendations and alternatives; then the selection of the final alternatives will occur in April and May 2010; with “adoption of the final preferred alternative” in May. Peacock has held outreach meetings with 2 Upcountry grassroots quasi-political groups, the Upcountry Community Council in Pioneer, and the Pine Grove Community Council in Pine Grove, describing the steps in the project. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.