Monday, 30 March 2009 00:34

Amador Water Agency

slide3.pngAmador County - The Amador Water Agency has drafted and approved a response to East Bay Municipal Utilities DIstrict’s proposal to raise the Pardee Reservoir outlined in its 2040 Water Management Plan. In a 5-0 vote during the Water Agency meeting Thursday, the Board approved a response drafted by AWA General Manager Jim Abercrombie. “The Agency is opposed to the enlargement of the Pardee Reservoir as currently proposed, especially the water backup, past the Hwy 49 Bridge,” wrote Abercrombie. AWA feels this project is greater in scope than previously proposed, and there “are significant environmental, aesthetic, biological and recreational impacts that the public raised that need to be addressed.” However, the Agency does support continuing discussion on the concept of the IRCUP project, which indicates a need for an additional 20,000 acre feet of water to meet the general plan build-out of the County. Abercrombie writes that the “draft program EIR (of the 2040 Water Plan) does not address the water rights that may be needed in order to carry out the enlarged Pardee Reservoir alternative or the new Buckhorn Canyon Reservoir alternative.” Among other reasons cited for opposing the plan, Abercrombie said “there is no mention in this section regarding the need for State Water Resources Control Board permit approval for the enlarged Pardee Reservoir alternative, the Buckhorn Canyon Reservoir alternative, or the banking of Mokelumne River water in the San Joaquin Groundwater Basin. Abercrombie goes on to site specifics that need further clarification. The letter also echoes a primary concern of many who attended the overflowing meeting in the Amador Water Agency building two weeks ago. “The Agency is requesting EBMUD hold a second meeting in Amador County and extend the comment period due to the lack of adequate space for all attendees to participate in the presentation and discussion,” said Abercrombie. “ln summary,” he writes, “the Agency is opposed to the proposed Pardee Reservoir enlargement; however, the Agency is open to discussions regarding the IRCUP with EBMUD to secure additional water supplies for the benefit of Amador and EBMUD.” Story by Alex Lane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.