Wednesday, 15 April 2009 00:36

Plymouth City Council

slide1.pngAmador County – The Plymouth City Council last week approved a resolution that will notify developers that the city is in the process of updating its General Plan, and once completed, their projects will have to adhere to the new version. Consultant Richard Prima presented the resolution, saying that the General Plan Update began several years ago and should be completed this year. He said: “During that time, some project applications have been submitted that rely on the current General Plan and Zoning and others are tied to the new General Plan.” He said once an application is “deemed complete,” it must be “processed under the then-current terms of the General Plan,” and city law. But Prima said a provision in California code “allows the city to utilize the standards set forth in the new General Plan.” He said passing the resolution “would implement that provision by providing formal notice that the General Plan Update process has begun.” The resolution was brought before the city council in its late March meeting and the council directed staff to revise the resolution “to make it clear” it was not a “preapproval of the General Plan.” The council voted 4-0 to approve the resolution. The Plymouth planning department and consultants have prepared the General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report and have taken public comment letters and have also hosted a council workshop. The council will advertise a public meeting in a May 22nd publication and the Plymouth Planning Commission will meet June 4th to receive recommendations on the General Plan and Final EIR. In another noticed meeting: On June 25th, if the city and staff keep with the planning department’s timeline, the city council could consider adopting the Final EIR and the General Plan. Comment letters must be postmarked by March 22nd, per the California Environmental Quality Act. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.