Monday, 20 April 2009 00:49

Ione Draft General Plan

slide1.pngAmador County – A public workshop is planned for Tuesday to introduce the public to the Ione draft General Plan Update, Ione City Hall announced last week. City Manager Kim Kerr said “after nearly a year of public workshops, meetings, data gathering and writing,” the draft update will be presented at a joint city council and planning commission meeting Tuesday in city hall. Kerr said the meeting “is an opportunity for community members to learn about the contents (of) and provide their comments on the Draft General Plan.” She said city officials are “really looking forward to hearing what Ione residents and business owners have to say,” and “support from the community has been and will continue to be the key to Ione’s success.” Two follow-up meetings will be held “for staff to walk meeting participants through the details of each element of the Draft General Plan Update and to gather additional input.” Those meetings are set for May 5th and 19th. Once primary public comments are taken and the council and commission give direction on the draft plan, a Draft Environmental Impact Report analyzing impacts of the General Plan Update will be released. Kerr said Tuesday’s workshop is an “important opportunity for residents to share views and give insight on how to maintain Ione’s quality of life while planning” for the future. The Ione General Plan Update, spearheaded by city consultants, Pacific Municipal Consultants of Rancho Cordova, is meant to be “a blueprint for guiding and developing” Ione’s future. It addresses land use, circulation, housing, natural resources, open space, community character, economic development and safety. Kerr said public “participation and contribution” to the meetings “will be essential as (the city strives) to preserve (its) history and create a viable and flourishing community that current and future generations will be glad to call home.” The Ione General Plan Update workshop is 6 p.m. Tuesday at Ione City Hall. For information online, see Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.