Wednesday, 29 April 2009 00:34

Amador County Supervisors

slide2.pngAmador County – The Amador County Board of Supervisors Tuesday unanimously approved a letter opposing the East Bay Municipal Utility District plan to expand Pardee Reservoir. The board also opposed another plan that would build a dam downstream from Pardee, if it would have the same adverse affects on the Mokelumne River as a Pardee expansion. The letter, to be signed by Chairman Ted Novelli, also will encourage and express support of the Oakland-based utility’s Integrated Regional Conjunctive Use Plan. Supervisors also requested that a statement by East Bay MUD Vice Chairman John Coleman be included in the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report of the utility’s Water Supply Management Plan 2040. Supervisor John Plasse motioned that the letter should encourage that the EIR include Coleman’s statement that East Bay MUD would “not go forward with expansion of Pardee without local support.” Amador Water Agency General Manager Jim Abercrombie asked for clarification of the letter, which opposes expanding Pardee, or any expansion having the same effect. He said they also supported the IRCUP and its related expansions at Lower Bear Reservoir, Pardee Reservoir and Duck Creek. Supervisor Brian Oneto said he supported IRCUP and wanted to work with East Bay MUD on future projects to increase Amador’s water supply. Supervisor Richard Forster said “I hope they learned something from this, that you better bring all the partners in and have them sitting at the table.” Supervisor Louis Boitano said “I definitely want to sit at that Thanksgiving table with East Bay MUD, but I don’t want to be the turkey.” Plasse said East Bay MUD claimed that Pardee was not a part of its “Safe Harbor” plan, which would seek permission for incidental “taking,” or killing, of endangered or protected wildlife. Plasse said the language included expansion of dams, an obvious reference to Pardee. He said it was evidence of “the way they once again show little or no concern for the effects of their projects on Amador County.” Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.