Monday, 04 May 2009 00:44

Amador Water Agency

slide1.pngAmador County – The Amador Water Agency last month discussed “dumbing down” documents, specifically a “notice of a public hearing” for proposed wastewater rate increases in Martell. Director Bill Condrashoff criticized the 4-page notice, saying “this is very difficult to understand,” and the wording left him not knowing what the document was about. He said it seemed like the agency was trying to hide the rate increase. AWA General Manager Jim Abercrombie said “I’m not sure a 4-page notice means that we are trying to hide it.” He said in his 20 years making such notices, it had what customers always wanted in a graph telling what the new rates would be. That graph shows single family dwellings in the Martell District 12 this month pay $65.97 a month. That rate would increase to $75.87 in July 2010 and to $87.25 in July 2011. Commercial rate changes, with 4 different categories, included the highest, a “fixed service charge” which this month is $21.31. It would rise to $24.51 next July and to $28.18 in July 2011. AWA attorney Steve Kronick said he reviewed the notice, written by Finance Manager Mike Lee. Kronick said “Proposition 218 was adopted by voters in 1997, and the agency has noticed Prop 218 probably 100 times since 1997. We have never had (complaints) lodged from the public about the notice.” Kronick said since 1997, “we have never been accused of not being open.” He said the notice has never before included “protest procedures,” although it is not required by Prop 218, but he was “asked by the board to include it.” He said he used the wording, verbatim, from the Jackson notice. The notice sets a June 24th public hearing for comments on and objections to the proposed wastewater user rate increases in Martell. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.