Tuesday, 05 May 2009 00:02

Proposition 1C

slide3.pngState - On May 19th, Amador County voters will have the opportunity to vote on six budget-related propositions in a statewide special election. In a special series here on TSPN, we’ll bring you information on each ballot measure, what it means for California, and more specifically, how it affects Amador County. Today we discuss Proposition 1C, also known as the Lottery Modernization Act. It would authorize borrowing against future lottery proceeds as a way to avoid state government spending cuts. There is no cap on the amount of future lottery revenue that could be used, and the 2009-10 budget plan includes $5 billion from this source. The measure would authorize similar borrowing in future years. The proposal would repeal current requirements that lottery revenues be used only for education, although the measure would require the legislature to appropriate general fund revenues to education in an amount equivalent to the lottery revenues that previously went to schools. Prop 1C was authored by Assemblywoman Noreen Evans and legislatively-referred to the ballot through Assembly Bill 12. Supporters of the measure include the California Democratic Party and Budget Reform Now, a coalition of groups assembled by the governor to support the overall budget agreement. “Modernizing the lottery…can generate $5 billion in revenues without a tax increase,” said Roger Salazar, a spokesman for the Yes on 1C campaign. Opponents include the California Nurses Association and the Peace and Freedom Party. They are most concerned with how the lottery profits - the percentage of revenues the state keeps - would be allocated. On May 19th, you’ll have the opportunity to vote on this and other contentious issues. Stay tuned for more information on the propositions in upcoming newscasts. Story by Alex Lane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.