Monday, 11 May 2009 00:23

Ione Preservation Committee

slide5.pngAmador County – A quorum of the Ione City Council may attend today’s 5 p.m. workshop on the Main Street Program, but their presence will be mostly to observe interaction of staff and the citizens. City staff noticed the workshop as a public meeting, so that the city council could attend. Last week’s notice of the meeting said: “There may be a quorum of city council members in attendance, but this is not a city council meeting and the council will take no action at this meeting.” City Manager Kim Kerr said last week that noticing the meeting will allow the council to participate in the workshop and make comments. Mayor Lee Ard said he would be content to be just a wallflower, hearing comments from town residents. The meeting is meant to educate the public on the Main Street Program, which the city will then try to implement with the help of citizen volunteers. The council has already acknowledged the volunteer work of Ione resident Jack Brotherton for his research work on the national Main Street Program. Kerr and the council believe today’s workshop will give people enough information for them to be able to decide if they want to volunteer to help run the program. Anticipated attendees include Main Street business and property owners and interested parties.” The meeting is 5 p.m. today at Ione City Hall. In other news, this week’s Ione Planning Commission meeting Tuesday has been canceled, but work stands ahead for the commission on the city’s draft General Plan. The Commission will have met twice this month in special meetings, and has work ahead in regard to the Ione General Plan Update. The commission meets with the city council in a joint meeting next Tuesday (May 19th) for a public hearing on 2 remaining elements of the Draft General Plan. They are the traffic “Circulation Element” and the Land Use Element. The next regular planning commission meetings will be June 9th, July 7th and August 11th. A special meeting of the Planning Commission, to consider the draft General Plan and its Environmental Impact Report is tentatively scheduled for July 28th. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.