Monday, 11 May 2009 00:27

Sutter Creek Planning

slide2.pngAmador County – The Sutter Creek Planning Commission will tackle the tough topics tonight on the Gold Rush Ranch & Golf Resort, when it revisits its comments unresolved wording of the various documents. The commission will discuss and possibly take action on Gold Rush and related items. That includes reviewing and making comments on the “Combined Errata Sheets” on the General Plan Amendments. The commission also is scheduled to revisit Zoning Ordinance Amendments, and the Gold Rush Ranch Specific Plan. The errata is a list of corrections or revisions to the original Specific Plan, kept as the Planning Commission noted errors or changes it wanted in the document, some possibly disputed between Gold Rush developers and the commission. New zoning designations to be discussed include “Residential Small Lot.” Permitted uses include one- and two-family dwellings, duplexes, “associated accessory buildings”, home occupations (by Home Occupation Use Permit) and second dwelling units. The council could also discuss “Mixed-Use” zoning, “designed to create a walk-able district with vertical and horizontal mixed-use, including commercial, office, residential, hotels and motels, and time share units.” Recreation zoning that may be discussed includes permitted uses for a golf course; athletic fields (excluding stadiums); facilities for tennis, racquetball, swimming and horseback riding; and public parks. Separate golf course accessories include a driving range, clubhouses, lockers and showers, storage, and reclaimed water storage and disposal. Conditional recreation uses include bars, restaurants and on-site sports equipment sales. Building proportion limits are listed at 3 stories and 35 feet, and the minimum lot size is no smaller than 7,000 square feet. The Specific Plan errata refer to the California General Plan Guidelines. It notes that: “Statutory provisions allow for streamlined permitting once a specific plan is in place. For example, residential development projects are exempt from (the California Environmental Quality Act) if they implement and are consistent with a specific plan for which an (Environmental Impact Report) or supplemental EIR has been prepared.” The “Housing Program” chapter errata, requested by the Planning Commission, notes mixed lot size limits in small-lot subdivisions within each large lot. Those include 10 percent lots sized 3,500 to 4,500 square feet; 10 percent sized 4,501 to 6,000 square feet; and 20 percent sized 6,001 to 7,000 square feet. 60 percent of those lots must be larger than 7,001 square feet. The commission meets at 7 p.m. today in the Community Building on 33 Church Street in Sutter Creek. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.