Wednesday, 13 May 2009 00:37

Jackson City Council

slide3.pngAmador County - Also during Monday’s meeting, the Jackson City Council discussed the best policy for use of Measure E funds in fiscal year 2009/10. Also known as the “Transient Occupancy Tax,” Measure E funding has traditionally been put towards tourism and business promotion, economic development and downtown revitalization. According to a memo by City Manager Mike Daly, the Council approved raising the city’s transient occupancy tax in November, 2002, from 8 percent to 10 percent, resulting in an average of $60,000 additional funds per year. The amount available from 2008 is $61,575, said Daly. Over the past two years, the council has set aside $30,000 for use by the city on its own economic development projects. Daly wrote “the second year of the set aside has not been allocated, but the Jackson Revitalization Committee is looking into several projects and grant opportunities that could utilize at least a portion of this funding.” A Measure E advisory committee consisting of citizens Stan Lukowicz, Paul Molinell, Jr., Tom Peyton, Tracey Berkner, Michael Clausen and Councilmember Keith Sweet met last week to review ways to best use this funding. Lukowicz and Clausen were not in attendance at this final meeting. Based on their recommendations, council opted to reserve $30,000 for economic development needs for the city. This year, both the Amador Council of Tourism and the Amador Chamber of Commerce submitted separate proposals for the funds equaling a total of $67,500. The Amador Council of Tourism requested $30,000. The Chamber of Commerce requested $37,500. Under the recommendation of the Measure E advisory committee, council unanimously approved a recommendation of $25,310, plus $11,000 for partner projects with the Historic Jackson Business Association, to go to the Council of Tourism for development of a more comprehensive strategic plan and tourism marketing. $9000 dollars will go to the Amador Chamber of Commerce. Story by Alex Lane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.