Wednesday, 13 May 2009 00:42

Pine Grove Council

slide1.pngAmador County – The Pine Grove Council last week talked about various sources of frozen funding, including an earmark by Congressman Dan Lungren that would study the Pine Grove Corridor. Funds are stalled from distribution because proper forms have not been submitted, according to council member John Carlson. He and Lynda Burman spoke with Neal Peacock of the Amador County Transportation Commission. Burman reported that “Neal said he felt like a bride jilted at the altar.” Carlson said Peacock is working to process the request for federal funding through the California Department of Transportation. One man asked about the possibility of a public outcry putting a stop to a 5-line expansion on Highway 88, through Pine Grove. Council member Andy Byrne said the “community cannot say no until we know the options,” and the community, and ACTC, “must explore what the project would be.” Carlson said they will try to set up town hall meetings to tell people what is going on and what the funding will do for what studies. He said a total of $640,000 dollars was coming to study the Pine Grove Corridor project, of which Peacock will spend about $360,000 dollars for consultants. He said Peacock “has been very adamant about public involvement.” Byrne said the process will ask the people what they want, and the “community might say, ‘Well, go screw yourselves, we don’t want it.’ ” One man asked again if that would kill a 5-lane expansion on Highway 88. He also asked if the community wanted to “spend $360,000 dollars to study this?” Byrne said after past community meetings, “the consensus was: There is a problem. And the next step is to study it and come up with potential solutions.” The Pine Grove Council meets 5:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month, at the Pine Grove Town Hall. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.