Tuesday, 19 May 2009 00:37

Caples Lake Restocking

slide5.pngAmador County - The El Dorado Irrigation District board of directors approved an amendment to the Caples Lake fish restocking plan during the board’s May 11 meeting. The action cleared the way for the California Department of Fish and Game to deliver fish to the lake before Memorial Day. “This is an important part of our commitment to restore a trophy fishery in the lake,” said board president George Wheeldon. “We had to draw the lake down last year for emergency repairs to the Caples main dam outlet works, and Fish and Game was not sure any fish would survive in the small amount of water left. The good news is that some fish did make it through the winter…and the lake level has risen beyond expectations, to the point that the fish should have a good start.” Dan Corcoran, the District’s environmental division manager, told the board that “according to the plan, intensive restocking will continue through the 2009 fall season.” Then EID will continue to plant fish over the next nine years in coordination with partners in the area. Corcoran reported that the initial restocking plan approved last year had to be modified because, according to Fish and Game, one of two hatcheries contracted to restock the lake tested positive for the parasite that causes whirling disease. This unanticipated development will also have region-wide effects, since the hatchery holds stocking contracts throughout the state. “Fish and Game has been extremely helpful in assisting EID through this challenging situation,” Corcoran said. The goal is to restore the sport fishery at Caples Lake. The amendment the board adopted today does that with minor adjustments to the initial plan related to the proportions of species and sizes to be stocked. In addition, 9,000 pounds of trophy fish will be stocked by an out-of-state hatchery in June. Story by Alex Lane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.