Wednesday, 27 May 2009 00:45

Highway 88 Pine Grove

slide2.pngAmador County - Caltrans reported Friday that the painting of a crosswalk at Church Street in the Highway 88 Pine Grove Corridor is still a go, despite a letter from the agency’s safety department. Duper Tong, Chief of Caltrans Traffic Safety for District 10, in a letter last month said “a safety improvement is not recommended at this time,” but clarified that Wednesday in an e-mail to John Carlson of the quasi-political group, Pine Grove Community Council. Carlson sought comment on the previously approved crosswalk. Carlson in an e-mail to Tong said “you have indicated that the (crosswalks) in Pine Grove at the Town Hall will be installed this summer,” but he cited a report in TSPN of Tong saying the opposite. Tong wrote Friday that “after review (of) the status, this project is advertising for bid. When the contract is awarded, the construction is anticipated to start this summer.” Caltrans publicist Lisa Balcom said Friday that the rejected safety work was part of a state-wide competitive funding awarding system. Pine Grove did not qualify for the funding, but did qualify for the crosswalk project. Balcom said District 10 “doesn’t have a pot of money here,” but instead, the regional projects compete for funding. She was not sure of the estimated cost of the crosswalk painting, but she said it is usually contracted. She said “it would be great to let folks know that this crosswalk is going in.” She said Tong’s letter referred to another project, part of a detailed safety investigation by a team of engineers. Tong said the study was of Highway 88, between Mile Post 22.7 and Mile Post 24.14. The study found that the accident rate “was lower than the average for similar facilities.” At nighttime during rain, they observed “the visibility of signing and striping” and found that “there is no apparent roadway deficiency.” Tong said “a safety improvement is not recommended at this time,” but Caltrans will consider installing recessed pavement markers in future rehabilitation projects. Balcom said Tong’s comments to her meant that the other studied project would not be recommended. Balcom said that the crosswalk painting at Church Street, across Highway 88, would be started this summer. Church Street is just east of Irishtown Road. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.