Yesterday a man trying to
get a “fix-it ticket” signed off got much more when CHP Amador Unit Community
Outreach Officer John C. Hardey was outside the CHP Offices and observed the man drive into the CHP
parking lot, park, and then make a bee line for the front door. As the
man approached the front door Officer Hardey noticed he was walking with a
staggered gate. Sgt. Roderick Sloan met the met the man at the front counter, who had business in the form of
a sign off of a ticket he had received previously.
Sgt. Sloan noticed that the man smelled of alcohol as well as displaying other objective symptoms of intoxication. Beat Officer Brendan Hallam was called to the Offices and conducted a series of pre-demonstrated field sobriety tests, which William Main of Ione, failed. Main was subsequently determined to be at twice the legal limit for alcohol according to the CHP. Officer Hallam arrested Main and transported him to the Amador County Jail. “The moral of the story is, don’t come to the Highway Patrol when you’re deuced,” said Officer Hardey.